mech·a·ni·cian [noun] [mek-uh-nish-uhn] : a person skilled in constructing, working, or repairing machines;

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tank Chop

 Tank from a Suzuki 850 does not fit over the Virago frame

Marked out an area to cut. Used a small Dremel cutting wheel to remove the offending metal
For the other side I decided it may save on time by drilling holes first

 Bend back the metal.
Inside is what looks like a small mouse house - the mice are not home
 Once both pieces were removed, the tank fits but only just - it will need more clearance before I can weld the holes closed.

 And with the tail piece, just to get an idea of how it might look.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Suzuki - Top End Rebuild - Day Two

 Cleaned valves - not perfect but looking much better
Valve grinding the old fashioned way

 Valve grinding the new way. A thick piece of rubber and a slow setting on the drill works much better
 All springs measured and within the allowable tolerances

  Shims measured in preparation for gaping after reassembly
 All valve thicknesses measured and within the allowable tolerances
All valve stem thicknesses measured and within the allowable tolerances - unfortunately, I don't have the ability to check valve/cam shaft run out, valve guide wear or several of the other valve angles.