mech·a·ni·cian [noun] [mek-uh-nish-uhn] : a person skilled in constructing, working, or repairing machines;

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Project

This is the donor bike - picked it up for $500 - including a spare engine.
Here is my artist impression (note the R6 tail) of what I'm trying to build. Its based on the reciprocity bike seen here: Reciprocity. My version is not cast in stone - I'm just using Reciprocity as a guide - I'm making it up as I go.


  1. "Something crusty inside, I'm not sure what it is"
    Dad say's most likely fuel sedement, possible to get carb. cleaner usually in aerosol

  2. Dad says again---if you have a dremmel possible to get small wire brushes to clean serious corrosion, but springs maybe weakened due to corrosion which will effect carburation, trial and error only solution. Following your progress with great admiration and envy! keep up the good work
