mech·a·ni·cian [noun] [mek-uh-nish-uhn] : a person skilled in constructing, working, or repairing machines;

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Strip Down - Part Three

This fine metal powder seems to indicate that the engine minced whatever metal was floating around in the oil. Which means it was probably running for a little while before it failed.

The crank bearing face also took a serious hit. I could fix this but it just so happens I have another crank in good condition. This one will make a good door stop or paper weight.

Main bearings are toast. It looks like the engine was run (perhaps low on oil) to the point of failure.

More bad news: A small ding in the crank case around the cylinder base. Probably caused by the edge of a piston.

The small pieces of metal flake swimming around in a brown sludge are bad news.

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